After the holidays I was feeling rundown and definitely craved some of Baba's (Macedonian for Grandmother) Chicken Noodle Soup. She makes he broth from scratch so with her guidance I was able to replicate her soup. Since we will be makings everything from scratch you can control your salt and therefore your sodium level. Also I used rice noodles so that we can keep it gluten free. If you are not feeling well Baba's Chicken Noodle is definitely a good way to go because it is packed with nutrients from the vegetables used to create the broth. ENJOY


1 Whole Chicken
1 TBSP Salt (to wash the chicken)
1-2 TBSP White Vinegar (to wash the chicken)
3 Carrots (Chopped)
3 Celery Branches (Chopped)
3 Small Onions (Cut in quarters)
1 Whole Clove of Garlic (cut in half)
1 Lemon (you will need the zest and the juice)
2 Egg Yokes
Rice Noodles (use as much as desired)
Salt and Pepper as desired


Wash chicken in cold water. To wash further, rub with a bit of white vinegar and a bit of salt to kill any bacteria

Cut chicken in halves or quarters and remove any excess fat

Place chicken in deep pot and add cold water (about 3 litres per kg of chicken), and 1 tablespoon of salt

Bring water to a boil and then turn to medium heat uncovered

During the first 5 minutes of boiling, skim the excess fat and foam that rises to the top

After you have skimmed, add the chopped onion, celery, carrots and garlic

Cover and let boil on low to medium heat for 1.5 hours or until chicken is cooked

Remove chicken and set aside to cool

Remove carrots and set aside to cool

Remove onions, celery, and garlic to a strainer. Use ladel to mash this mixture through the strainer into the soup. Do this for 5 minutes and discard anything that doesn't go through strainer

Add zest of 1 lemon. Add a bit of salt to season, if necessary

In a medium bowl, mix 2 egg yokes, the juice of 1 lemon and a bit of cold water. Give it a good wisk for 2-3 minutes.

Add noodles to pot. As they are cooking, slowly add about 4-5 ladels of stock to the egg mixture, stirring as you do it. This will bring the egg mixture up to temperature of the stock and will make sure the yokes dont cook.

When noodles are half way done, slowly add the egg and stock mixture back into the pot, ladel by ladel

Remove skin off chicken and shred or chop chicken to your liking. Add back to the soup with the carrots

Remove from heat and cover to hang out for a few minutes or serve right away.

When serving, a squeeze of fresh lemon juice and some fresh cracked pepper make it perfect!


I hope you enjoyed this recipe as much as I do. If you have any comments please leave them below and I'll be happy to answer them as soon as I can! Happy cooking!!!


I ♥ Avocado toast! I seriously could eat it everyday. I was doing a plant based diet in the summer and this was one of my go-to breakfast options. Avocado is rich in oils and fat that your body needs on a daily basis. Yes avocado is full of fat but its good fat that keeps your hair shiny, healthy and stops it from falling out and your nails strong - believe me there are worst things I can eat. You can obviously eat this on toast as it is just as easy to make but I like to use rice crackers for their gluten free properties. I used to use gluten free bread and tried a bunch of different kinds but I like this better. Also its super easy to make when your in a rush in the morning.


1-2 Rice Cakes (depends how many you want)
1/4-1/2 and Avocado (I usually do 1/4 per rice cake)
Salt and Pepper to taste
1/4 - 1/2 a lime (juice) I like lots of lime juice!


Mash and spread the avocado onto your rice cracker.

Salt and Pepper

Sprinkle Lime on top and serve.

*You should serve it or eat it right away because the rice cracker will absorb all the moisture and start to get soggy. 


I hope you enjoyed this recipe as much as I do. If you have any comments please leave them below and I'll be happy to answer them as soon as I can! Happy cooking!!!


I like making fruit salad and keeping it in the fridge. Sometimes its hard to eat all the fruit you buy and this is a great way to get you reaching for them as a snack instead of chips or chocolate. I also find that if you take the prep out of it and all the fruit is already washed and cut kids/tennagers will eat more for it too. I also like to use it as topping on some granola and yogurt in the morning or even on pancakes as a substitute for syrup. It may seem like a pretty easy idea but some people add orange juice and liqueur but I dont think that's needed.


Berries - mix of any kind you like (I used blueberry, blackberry and raspberry)*
1 Can of Peaches slices in light syrup (796 ml) (Chopped Small but keep syrup)
1 Apple (Chopped Small)
1/4 Cantaloupe (Chopped Small)

*You can add any fruit you like, I would of added strawberries and pears as well but the ones at the stores weren't very good


Open canned peaches and pour out the syrup into a large bowl - this will be your base.

Cut the peaches that remain in the can into smaller pieces.

Wash the berries and add them to the cut up peaches and syrup.

Cut up cantaloupe into small pieces as well as apple. Add it to the bowl - mix and serve.


I hope you enjoyed this recipe as much as I do. If you have any comments please leave them below and I'll be happy to answer them as soon as I can! Happy cooking!!!


I like eating salad but I get board of it after awhile. I find that sometimes I don't feel as full as I would like or I need more of a crunch! Green beans are a very good source of minerals and a great lettuce replacement. This salad is quiet easy to make and can easily be taken to work for a healthy lunch option. ENJOY!

Yields One Portion


1-2 Handfuls of Green Beans - Ends taken off
1 to 2 Tomatos - Chopped
Half a small Red Onions - Chopped
Olive Oil
Balsamic Vinegar
Salt and Pepper to taste


Steam the green beans for 5 minutes, drain and add to cold ice water bath to stop them from cooking.

While the green beans are steaming add the tomatoes and red onions to a flat-ish bowl so that they can sit and slightly soak in olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Next addsome salt and pepper stir it in and let it continue to sit and marinate.

Drain green beans and add into bowl with tomatoes and onions. Mix and serve.


I hope you enjoyed this recipe as much as I do. If you have any comments please leave them below and I'll be happy to answer them as soon as I can! Happy cooking!!!



Smoothies are a great way to start of your day full of fiber and nutrition that can otherwise be challenging to get on a daily basis. I called this one Black Betty because of its rock and roll, rise and shine, pedal to the metal abilities to get your day started!!!


3/4 Cup MANGO (frozen or fresh) - for its fiber, potassium and vitamin A which is great for your hair!
1 Cup Berries* (frozen or fresh) - for their natural antioxidants
1 Cup Coconut Water - for electrolytes that boost the minerals your body needs to function
1 TSP Spirulina (optional) - to expel toxins, is high in protein, vitamin Band other nutrients.
2 Cup Kale - Nutrient dense food (Vitamins A, K, C, B6, Magnesium, Copper, Manganese, Potassium and Calcium)
Half a Cucumber - anti-inflammatory that plays an important role in brain health.
Half a Lemon - for digestion and vitamin C
1/4 Cup Fresh Mint for digestion


Place everything in a blender and go!

* I used blueberries, blackberries, raspberries and strawberry frozen mix


I hope you enjoyed this recipe as much as I do. If you have any comments please leave them below and I'll be happy to answer them as soon as I can! Happy cooking!!!