KINDLY NOTE: In Episode 1, I am taking over 30 years of my life and squeezing it into 30 minutes. Some of the themes I talk about in this podcast may be triggering to some and I just want to be clear that I am not trying to skip over, play down or shy away from talking about them or how they impacted me. It was just impossible to do in 30 Minutes. With that being said, as the podcast progresses I will be sharing more on each topic and am planning to bring on experts who can provide sound advice on these subjects. If you are triggerd and need to talk to someone immediately following this episode please visit Check Point Org to find a helpline in your country.
Further, I am also planning to give my listeners an opportunity to propose questions that they would like me to ask during my interviews as a way to guarantee that you will become part of the conversation and receive the advice/guidance you desire.
Hello and welcome to the Is That Soh Podcast! I still can’t believe this is happening!
This podcast has been a long time coming and I am so excited to finally be launching it today.
Before I jump into sharing my intentions and motivations for this podcast I just wanted to thank a couple of people for their support. My brother in law, Mattias Friberg who composed the music for this podcast and perfected my sound, and my boyfriend Adam for always being my biggest supporter, my go-to sounding board and loving advisor.
The idea of launching this podcast first came to me back in November/December of 2019 and it has taken me 5-6 months to actually get the courage to launch it.
In all honesty, the reason why it took me so long to launch this podcast was because I was scared shitless. This podcast is much more than just a podcast for me, it is an extension of me and my life journey.
I am definitely not perfect! I have a whole lot of feelings, thought and bad habits I’m personally trying to work through but I also know from everyone who comments on my Instagram photos that I am not the only one. I think many of us could benefit from these conversations as much as I do and I hope through listening to this podcast you are able to find a source of enlightenment and healing as well.
In an effort to start off on the right foot, I really wanted to connect with you and share why this podcast is much more than a podcast for me. I knew in order to do that, I had to let you into intimate parts of my life and past which scared the shit out of me. I knew, once I shared those details and put my story out there, there was no going back…..
Unlike the interview episodes that I have also recorded in preparation for this launch (and will be premiering in the coming weeks) this episode is very personal and made me feel very vulnerable. It took over three weeks for me to write, another two for me to build up the courage to record and another month and a half to get enough guts to sit down and edit it. Each step of the way was harder than the last and as I inched my way to the finish line I battled with so much self-doubt and feelings of vulnerability it was painful.
Once I sat down and edited it though, I knew it was go-time. Not because I felt prepared and it was finally done and ready (I don’t feel prepared and would have preferred to have a lot more recordings in my ‘bank’), but because this global pandemic is and will continue to be really tough on our mental health. When we can’t create normal social connections, at least maybe through this podcast, we can build a connection through honest conversations, storytelling and the worldly wisdom/insights we discover along the way so that we can all feel less isolated and more enlightened.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy this episode and if you have any feedback/commentary or episode topic/guest interview suggestions, I would love to hear them! Leave your feedback in the comments below.
Photos From My Life
Me - Age 2
My mom, dad and sister Leila
My dad and Prince Albert of Monaco
Me and my sister Shahla at Edwards Garden
Me, Age 3 on a family vacation
My brother Amir (Age 5) and Me (Age 4) in Montalcino, Italy - the most magical summer of my childhood
Dinner with family and friends on my dad’s dream boat. I’m the little girl making the funny face in the pink.
Me and my brother on a farm in Quebec
My beautiful sister Leila who passed away.
L to R: My sister Shahla holding her daughter Paris standing with my Dad and me as an awkward teenager
My high school graduating class photo - I am first row, all the way on the left
My friend and coworker Amanda and I at a party for Greta Constantine
The atelier I moved into that got robbed
Photoshoot for my first collection
Invitation to my First Collection Pop Up Preview
The changerooms my brother Markus built me for my Pop Up
Adam and I in our 2nd year of dating